Breast Cancer Screening

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Mammography screening is secondary breast cancer prevention programmewhere every woman in the Czech Republic aged 45 and older is offered preventive mammography screening every two years (with no upper age limit), even if she has no "symptoms". Its aim is to find the smallest treatable tumors in the mammary gland.
In the Czech Republic, screening was launched in the Autumn of 2002 and can only be performed by accredited mammography centres, including BREAST UNIT PRAGUE, which is one of the largest centres in the Czech Republic. These centres have undergone demanding approvals and must always, after several years during so-called reaccreditations, prove their consistently high quality in many criteria.

Screening is open to every woman from 45 years of agewho has referral form from a gynecologist or general practitioner, issued once every two years. Currently, screening mammography is available in all regions, a list of which can be found on the websites such as or by calling the AVON Breast Cancer Helpline toll-free at 800 180 880.

Book an appointment online at one of our Prague Mamacentres, it will take two minutes and you can choose the date yourself. Click here.